This is what you look like if you board the flight to early in the morning... |

This is what you SHOULD look like... |

It's gonna be a looong trip with lots of lay-overs. |

Hey, I had a seat right next to the window. yay! |

The interior design of the plane needed some improvements. |

Ready for Take-Off! |

Frankfurt. They have tunnels under the runways, you know? |

Waiting in line... And waiting... And waiting... |

This plane was supposed to fly us over the Atlantic. |

And it did. Even after sooo many people boarded it. |

This is the coast of Germany. Or Great Britain. Or Greenland... Dunno. |

A mid-air snack. |

Finally... Over Canada the clouds kinda disappeard. But can you tell the difference? |

Not really... |

This is the Hudson Bay. |

An american quilt... Farm! Sorry! |

The first thing I heard when I left the plane was "Ey Baby. Don't be like this." |

Two engineers and a plane. |

No photographs allowed. Awwww... |

Denver airport. So big. So little time... |

"This way?!"- "No. That way!" |

Las Vegas. See what all the fuzz is about! |

Welcome to the New York New York! |

My Motel room. |

Goooood morning! |

My room was on the first floor, but this view was much nicer... |

Beware of the klingon |

This is Quark's bar. |

Star Trek themed, of course. |

The motto of the trade fair was "Pimp my Ride", I guess... |

Or maybe "Find a weird place for your monitors" |

The world's largest 102" Plasma TV |

The world's largest 103" Plasma TV |

The gold course behind the Wynn. |

A typical american car. |

I got a haircut that day! Before... |

... and after. |

Esther did a great job, didn't she? |

The excalibur. |

A vending machine for iPods. |

xmRadio |

Another Best Western. There are 7 in Las Vegas! |

Oh my god... |

A room full of porn actors next to a room full of engineers... Great! |

This is a projector. Can you believe it? |

This one as well. |

It smelled like chloride... |

Inside the Venetian. |

INSIDE the Venetian. |

Inside the VENETIAN. |

Inside the Wynn. |

Oh, and the top-most photographed sign in whole Las Vegas. |

Me in front of the Luxor. |

Somebody else in front of the luxor. |

This would be the point where I usually wake up... |

I must have taken the wrong turn somewhere. |

Yum... Slurpee! |

Beware of the pharaos. |

Palm-trees in their natural habitat. |

Quite funny, don't you think? |

Beware of the cat! |

I had a slurpee that day. Mountain Dew, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Pepsi. |

Yuuuuuuummy! |

The show in front of the Treasure Island. |

Where smoke is, there was A LOT OF fire. |

Back in Paris. |

Because the first Slurpee was so great I had another one. With banana flavor. Yuck... |

Luncheon at the conference. |

Raw meat. |

Dinner AND a show. I really is Vegas! |

Every speaker got this nifty gadget. The lamp I mean. |

The presentation were given in rooms like this. |

On screens like this. |

Me in front of the Luxor again. |

Luckily I am not his dentist. |

Like I said |

Come here! |

The room I gave my presentation in. |

A bird. |

My session. |

And she won a the grand prize at the other luncheon. |

Beck's. |

Acceleration. |

A sunset over the desert. |

Entering Arizona. |

Hoover Damn |

Overflow control. |

Damn that's high. |

Power! |

Looking over the state border. |

Those ones are growing high! |

The swedish are conquering the world. |

Our hotel room in Tuscon, Arizona. |

The same one in the morning. |

The hotel in Tuscon, Arizona. |

The famous(?) O.K. corrall. |

Wild wild west. |

Welcome to a tombstone. |

Tombstone used to be a miner's town. |

Miner's used to be small. |

I'm just trying to blend in. |

Some people shot by an Earp. |

Some other people had one hell of a party. |

So much for the death penalty. |

Biiiiiiiig surprise. |

A typical american graveyard. |

Leaving Las Vegas. |

"Art" |

Yeah, our plane was late. |

Joanne! I met her on it. Somewhere between Las Vegas and San Francisco. |

"Sunny" California. |

Now we are on holiday. |

Florida was the sunshine state, right? |

You need that sort of car with the hills of San Francisco. |

We took a car with a Sirius radio this time. |

And entering San Fracisco. |

Colorful houses, eh?! |

Hills, hills, hills. |

And cable cars. |

They are slow. |

Veeery slow. |

*Yawn* Is it over now? |

Alcatraz. This used to be Al Capone's residence once. |

Lombard street. Probably the only street in America with curves. |

The others are sooooo straight. |

Lombard street. Looking down. |

Looking up. |

A first glimpse of the Golden Gate bridge. |

This can be understood in two different ways. |

Pier 39. San Francisco. |

The one with all the sea lions. |

And the tourists. |

And the sea gulls. |

Looks like something is crawling out of my soup. |

Parking on an airfield for sea gulls is kinda dangerous... |

... you see? |

The other side of the bridge. |

And San Francisco. |

The City where all the houses are slanted. |

190 expensive ways to store your dust. |

Including an authentic chinese last supper. |

Lastest fashion. |

Entering Chinatown. |

Chinatown for tourists. |

10 Mark. |

The window alone is worth a fortune. |

Chinese restrooms. |

This really is a strange city... |

Leaving Chinatown. |

Could somebody PLEASE tell me what this means? |

Yuck. Diet, cherry AND vanilla. |

St. Pauli!!!! |

Driving over a red bridge. |

I wonder if it's really working or just a backdrop for the tourists. |

Hold it right there!! |

That's what I call one hell of a cable. |

In which movie was this house so important? |

This really feels like the land of the free. |

Yeah, I know, I photographed it quite often. |

But... Yay! I'm standing in front of it!! |

Muir woods. |

There are biiiiiiig trees there. |

And biiiiig bears. |

Squishy the blowfish. God rests his soul... |

Silicon Valley. And Altera. |

nVidia Headquarters. Or something. |

Very intel-ligent. |

Yeah, I am always wearing that when I design chips. |

This is where microchips are born in. |

Look how shiny pure silicon is. |

Fuck You Moore! |

Intel inside. |

A time capsule. With the old logo still on it. |

Oh! Look! A photo location! |

The power of intel. |

Ten years ago we had to toss our junk secretly in the woods. Now we got ebay. |

This thing told me that I am "naughty but nice". Works for me! |

Golden Gate... You know... The red bridge. |

Oh yeah! I was in California!! |

How romantic... |

It says "Fire line." not police... |

But cars on the sidewalk where in fact allowed. |

Our room in San Francisco. |

San Francisco by night. |

Sotp! |

More slanted houses. |

We went to the cable car museum. |

Welcome to it. |

It is a museum. |

It works completly mechanic. |

What? You want to see my ticket? |

Clear instructions about boarding a cable car. |

0 carbs, 0 sugar... |

...0 alcohol... |

We climbed the highest mountains. |

Just to have a view over the bay bridge. |

And the Golden Gate Bridge... again... |

What's with the rainbow? |

Come on in, stay a while... |

Last exit before entering San Quentin. |

This guy must be an agent! |

High thread condition at the airport. |

Logging out of the states. |

Up up and away. |

$HOME sweet $HOME. |

I need to get a better spam filter... |

Those are aaaaaall the souvenirs I brought back home. |